Values in Action@PL
PL’s philosophy of Values in Action @ PL is anchored by the following key beliefs:
Every PL-Lite can be empathetic creators as they apply the adapted Design Thinking Skills to make a difference to the community
Every PL-Lite can be confident connectors as they work together to make a difference to the community
Every PL-Lite can be active contributors as they make a difference to the community
Values in Action is a learning experience in Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) that enhances students’ development as socially responsible citizens through having ownership of their contribution to the community. Anchoring on the H.E.A.R.T. values, each learning experience guides PL-Lites through the process of forming their identities as they develop social emotional competencies of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Management and Responsible Decision-Making. Being aware of who they are, PL-Lites form relationships as they work with their peers. Our PL-Lites are given the opportunity to make choices and have a voice in what they believe will make a difference in the community. Creating space for PL-Lites to be heard, students develop self-directedness, responsibility and ownership of their learning. Their participation in planning and implementing projects where they contribute meaningfully to the home, school and external community will develop their leadership competencies, the sense of belonging as well as the motivation to make a positive difference. Being actively involved in learning about and appreciating the community, PL-Lites become informed, concerned citizens of good character by making responsible choices and contribute meaningfully.
The Approach
Our PL-Lites are given a choice to make a difference to the community of concern through:
Action – Doing something to improve the situation
Awareness – Helping others learn about the community
Advocacy – Inspire others to make a difference
Values in Action @ PL allows PL-Lites to apply the adapted version of Design Thinking – Analyse, Brainstorm, Create (ABC):
1. Analyse
Empathise – To observe, understand and discover the needs of the community
Define – To study the information gathered and define the needs of the community
2. Brainstorm
Ideate – To brainstorm, collaborate, share ideas and plan to meet the needs of the community
3. Create
Act – To execute the plan, exercise critical thinking and discuss ways to handle
Reflect – To reflect on learning as an individual / a group through the following strategy – Think Back, Learn From It, Do It Better
Appreciate – To show appreciation to the people who have helped in the project
Our 6-year Values-in-Action Learning Experiences @ PL
P1 to P6 - ‘We Love Our School’ [Classrooms, Canteen, Toilets]
P1 to P6 – ‘We Love Our Home’ [Activities are in alignment with CCE (MTL) Curriculum]
P1 to P6 – ‘We Love Our Community’ [Being a part of various donation drives]
Respective Cohort ‘We Love Our Community’ Learning Experiences:
P1- Caring for Family and Friends
P2 – Understanding My Friends
P3 – ‘Our Shoe Box Ministry’
P4 – ‘Buddy Programme’ & ‘For Earth’s Sake’
P5 – ‘Outreach Programme’
P6 – ‘P6 Fair’
P4 to P6 – ‘We Love Our Community’ [VIA Outreach Programmes in Partnership with Fei Yue Community Services, PLMC and PLMC]