Character and Citizenship Education

The Student Holistic Development Framework is illustrated by a pictorial representation of a globe to symbolise our endeavour of enabling our PL-Lites to flourish in a complex and evolving future landscape.
At PLMGS (Primary), the heart of our education is to develop PL-Lites to be women of fine character with the passion for life and learning. We believe that all PL-Lites must be women after God’s heart where they learn the H.E.A.R.T. Values of Honour God, Excellence, Adaptability, Respect and Thankfulness, and discover, grow and serve joyfully, living out Joyfulness@PL as our DNA.
Citizenship Education at PLMGS (Primary) develops in PL-Lites a deeper sense of belonging, reality, hope and culminated in the will to act as they learn to become active citizens who have a collective resolve and a shared mission towards building Singapore.
Our PL-Lites are also guided by a common Growth Mindset language found in S.T.I.C.K, S.P.A.R.K and S.M.I.L.E.. S.T.I.C.K. guides every PL-Lite to be resilient individuals who will overcome challenges and failures, S.P.A.R.K. reminds every PL-Lite to be caring individuals who seek to be peer supporters, and S.M.I.L.E. encourages every PL-Lite to work collaboratively with their peers.
Our Student Holistic Development is anchored on the 3E Approach: Equip, Engage and Excel. PL-Lites are equipped with the H.E.A.R.T values, knowledge and skills, engaged as they put into practice the values and skills and provided with opportunities to excel through: Character and Citizenship Education; Effective Pedagogy; Engaging Student Development Experiences; Holistic Assessment; Positive Learning Environment and Signature Learning Programmes. The foundation of the framework espouses the importance of building professional capital in our Engaged, Professional and Innovative staff who are key enablers to quality teaching and joyful learning.
With a strong Culture of Care and Excellence, it is our belief that the six-year education develops PL-Lites to become confident leaders, creative problem solvers and global citizens, with the agency to meet future challenges. With these future-ready competencies, PL-Lites will be able to create, connect and contribute to their home, school and community.
The CCE Curriculum Content Areas is anchored on the teaching of core values and social-emotional competencies to help students find a sense of purpose and is premised on the three big ideas embedded in CCE Lessons (CCE(FTGP), CCE(MTL) and PAL (P1 and P2 only):
Identity – Who am I?; Who do I want to be?; What does my best self look like?
Relationships – How do I relate to myself, others and the world around me?
Choices – How do I choose to be?; How do I choose to act?; What kind of future do I want?
National Education (NE)@ PLMGS (Primary)
NE Commemorative Days provide opportunities for students to deepen their appreciation of our shared past and Singapore’s current realities. Our school seeks to nurture a strong a sense of belonging, a sense of hope, a sense of reality and a strong will in our PL-Lites to act as citizens. Besides school wide-commemoration, CCE(FTGP) lessons related to the NE Commemorative Days are conducted. In addition, the contemporary content are provided for students through Kindsville Times / A-OK!

1. Total Defence Day
Theme: Together We Keep Singapore Strong
· Stimulate energy, water or food disruption as part of Exercise SG Ready
· Differentiated Level-wide NE Learning Experiences
2. International Friendship Day
Theme: Singapore: Forging Friendships in a Complex World
· Learn more about ASEAN Chair for the year e.g. 2025 Malaysia;
· Differentiated Level-wide NE Learning Experiences
3. Racial Harmony Day
Theme: Our People, Our Tapestry
· Differentiated Level-wide NE Learning Experiences
4. National Day
Theme: NDP theme will be announced in end-May
· Commemorate SG60;
· Focus on Recollections II through School-wide Programme
· Differentiated Level-wide NE Learning Experiences