School Rules
All students are to attend and participate in the flag-raising/lowering ceremony. Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart. They are to assemble in an orderly manner and there should be no talking during assembly.
· Students are to wear the prescribed uniform
and be neat at all times and
modification to the uniform is not
· Students are to keep the school compound litter-free. Make use of litter bins.
· Students are to keep all classrooms and special rooms clean and tidy.
· Students must treat school property with care.
· Students must switch off all lights and fans when not in use.
· Students must always take care of their friends.
· Students should help those who are in need.
· Students should always go to the wash room in twos.
· Students must always be considerate and move about in a quiet and orderly manner.
Students are to work and play safely at all times. They are to think through their actions and the possible consequences of their actions.
Students are expected to be punctual for school, all activities and functions in school.
• Students are expect to greet the teacher and staff of the school.
• Students should say 'please', 'thank you', 'excuse me' or 'sorry'.
• Students must seek parents' and teacher' consent
if they intend to be in
school beyond school hours.
• Students should always queue for food/ drinks.
• Students must only consume your food only in the canteen or classroom as scheduled.
• Students must return all empty crockery
and used cutlery into the proper
All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to self or others.
Items not needed for lessons that could be a form of distraction should not be brought to school. Teachers will not be liable for the loss and will confiscate these items if students are found in possession of them.
• Students are not allowed to leave
the school compound unless permission has
been granted by teacher.
• Students who are not feeling well are to inform teacher.
• Students who are unwell will be taken to the sick bay to wait for their parent / guardian to take them home.
Students are not encouraged to bring handphones and smart wrist watches to school*. However, should students need to bring them to school, they must abide by the following rules:
Students are not to use personal digital devices, including smartphones and smartwatches (capable of communication and accessing to internet connection), during school hours including recess, CCA and after-school programmes (e.g. supplementary/ enrichment/remedial lessons).
Students who bring such devices are to put them in lockers or their school bags (in the absence of lockers) before school start time. They can retrieve the devices after school ends. Students should bear responsibility for safekeeping of devices.
Students must be responsible for their own personal digital devices. The school will not be liable for the loss of any personal digital device. Staff will also not assist students in the search for any lost personal digital device.
Students are only allowed to use personal digital devices at the canteen and the guardhouse after school hours.
Personal digital devices will be confiscated if students are found to be using them within the school premises for purposes other than making calls out to parents / guardians.
Parents/Guardians should not call their children/wards on any personal digital device but leave text messages instead. In cases of emergency, it is best to call the General Office.
*The POSB Smart Buddy watch is permitted for students to make cashless purchases in school.
Safe Bus Riding
Students who take the school buses are to abide by the following rules:
• Only registered bus riders are permitted to ride on the school buses.
• Seat belt must be fastened throughout the journey on the bus.
• Students must be seated at their designated seats. Changing of seats is not allowed.
• No consumption of food is allowed on the bus. Plain water is the only drink allowed.
• Keep the bus clean at all times. Throwing objects inside or outside of the bus is not permitted.
• Dangerous or sharp objects such as pen knives are not allowed in the bus. Stationery and toys should be kept inside students’ bags.
• Keep the aisle of the bus clear at all times.
• Students are not allowed to use electronic devices while in the bus.
• Always keep head, hands and arms inside the bus.
• Students should be respectful to all in the bus and maintain proper behaviour to upkeep the good image of themselves and the school at all times. Misbehaviour will be reported to the school for appropriate action.
School Uniform
Students are to wear the prescribed uniform and be neat at all times.
The full uniform should be worn when pupil comes to the school, represents the school for activities and during examination period. Modification to the uniform is not allowed.

Primary 1 to Primary 3 students may wear their PE attire to school on days they have PE lessons.
Primary 4 to Primary 6 students will wear their pinafore over their PE attire on days they have PE lessons.
Hair |
School Blouse |
• Only wear the school white blouse with short sleeves and pointed collars.
School Shoes |
• Only white school shoes with lace or Velcro strips are allowed. Students with podiatry problems are allowed to wear custom-made white shoes. • No high-cut shoes or fanciful/reflective/coloured stripes on any part of the shoes are allowed. |
Nails |
• Nails must be clean and short with no nail polish / gloss. |
Make-up |
• Make-up is prohibited in school unless required when participating in a performance or a competition. |
Watches |
• Student can wear a watch of a plain design.
Earings & Accessories |